Solution of Discontinued SSA accounts in Finacle
1. Check for SSA account status. If it is discontinued, then you have to change the report code.
( सबसे पहले उस अकाउंट का स्टेटस देखें। यदि वह बंद है तो आपको रिपोर्ट कोड बदलना होगा )
2. Delete the existing report code which is CONTR and click the lens aside of the field.
(पहले से लिखे हुए रिपोर्ट कोड CONTR को डिलीट करें और बाहर क्लिक करें )
3. Choose C1920 report code.
(अब C1920 रिपोर्ट कोड डालें )
4. Then give the amount and click submit.
(अब अमाउंट डाले और सबमिट करें )
That's it.
If penalty is shown please note it in voucher and collect cash accordingly.
Note : The Above Changes made for doing Previous year deposit in current Financial Year in View COVID19 issue. The same will not applicable in normal course.
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